Originally Posted by chlinstructor
Originally Posted by rickt300
Wonder who in the DNC wrote the "manifesto", Can we prove it he ever voted? It might be they have it right, a White guy getting revenge on democrats/leftist scum for voting Biden in. Or this could be a role the left created and executed. Easy enough to do. And if so you can bet it will never be outed.

False Flag incident by the DemoRat’s To Ban AR-15’s.

And how did he get that gun in NY ??? 🤪
You can still buy an AR-15 in New York it just has to be NY compliant. Meaning it can't have certain features such as a flash suppressor, pistol grip {they make goofy looking, quasi thumbhole type stocks} or a detachable magaizine that holds more than 10 rounds. The thing is, anybody can buy a NY compliant AR and then buy the pistol grips, 30 rd magazines etc. etc to convert it back to a non compliant gun. Of course doing so immediately turns you into a felon under NY law. In fact, the mere possession of a magazine that holds more than 10 rounds is a felony, even if you don't have a gun for it. There's a gun shop just across the border from Conklin NY {where this kid is from} in Great Bend Pa. called Pennsylvania guns and ammo that would have sold him 30 rd. magazines and any other parts/accessories no questions asked so he wouldn't have had to go far to convert a NY compliant AR that was bought legally here in New York.
