you can't tell me this guy was not recruited and groomed by the Leftist Extremists who have their own little underground system,
to recruit people like this kid which represent a targeted profile they are looking for...

all the leftist politically correct buttons were pushed for them to be able to go right down the line, how people like this ZERO are the average "White Conservative"....the left is following the Nazi programs that put them in power in 1930s Germany... Goring oversaw the burning of the Reichstag, and then blamed it on their enemies " The Communists".... and did so to make themselves look like the victims and then the heroes for overcoming the threat from their enemies the "Communists".... This crap is nothing new.... its just become new in this country over the last 20 plus years.]

Every time they need an incident like this for political purposes, it materializes on Que....and is flashed ALL over the MEDIA within seconds...
Media has all the answers, seconds after the "incident" plays out. The leftist underground just gives these idiots "the 15 second of Andy Warhol Fame"
that they crave. Look closely, the entire show was orchestrated once again.. and pans out just the way leftist radicals in the DNCC want it to play out.. to fit an agenda or take news focus off of what they want it to... by producing something that will shock the public, who then craves all the 'facts' of what happened. and the left is immediately there with the answers.. the answers to fit their orchestrated agenda....

no different than the 20 zillion needed ballots showing up at 3 in the morning, just after they pushed all the staff and potential witnesses out of where votes were being talleyed...

yet the vast majority of our population swallow it hook line and sinker every single time...we truly do live in a nation of blind idiots...

how many of these convenient events does the public have to witness, that always have split second timing when the left needs something like this to happen, for their political needs...

and for 10 people shot, Tell me these people were not sacrificed " for a good cause" to the leftist "democRat" convenience....

this guy was recruited long ago and trained for this... fame being his reward... some loser than other wise had no real life to speak of...he had promises made to him and then he will be swept like so much dirt under the carpet, when he has outlived his usefulness....AND THIS ISN'T THE FIRST TIME THE LEFT HAS PULLED THIS CRAP!!.... and the DNCC is right in the middle of it... with their own little underground special ops version of their own little CIA....

This isn't a random act... it was planned and they recruited and groomed the shooter.. didn't matter where it was to take place, but they arranged that also... White Shooter, target rich environment of Black Victims, having an AR 15 in a state that has so many restrictions....a Manifesto that conveniently pushes all the right buttons for the leftist current political needs... and people don't see that this is orchestrated?

Wake up America..... the real backers of this are the political leftist party.. the DNCC and their little NAZI leftist extremists..
how obvious do they have to get?? before anyone quits believing this floor show?

"Minus the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the Country" Marion Barry, Mayor of Wash DC

“Owning guns is not a right. If it were a right, it would be in the Constitution.” ~Alexandria Ocasio Cortez