If someone quits buying everything that is reported on the news, like we are all programmed to believe everything they tell us..

then things quit becoming so confusing...

when we had the Umpqua Community College shootings when Obama was in office and he was flying around the country and made a detour to Roseburg Oregon where the college is... and all he had to say...

and then what I saw, by going up to Roseburg the morning after it happened... and what I had been told by my son, who was on ambulance duty the day of the shooting in Roseburg...

Hwy 99 was pretty much had half the 4 lane road blocked off, so they could park all the news vehicles there " on site" to report "live" at 7 AM in the morning. I got up at 5 AM and went up to Roseburg in front of the Community College and stood there and watched the news networks reporting live from the location....but what I continually saw from each network, and local regional new networks....

no one was reporting what the Sheriff's Dept had been reporting locally in Roseburg... also what they were not reporting was what my son was telling me of what they saw and found being 'on scene' in the ambulance crews that morning...They were being told what to report from somewhere else and relayed to them via Satellite.. probably from network central. I saw first hand where they would film a report, and then the manager of each crew, would relay it back to the main network news centers.... and they were constantly told to change what they wanted them to report on....

The kid who had come on site to do the shooting, had brought 2 pistols and an AR, and just a small amount of ammo.... but as I watched these news crews being told what to report, and then it kept changing.... upping claims of what the shooter was carrying... it turned into he had shotguns, plenty of ammo for the several he had, and his handguns were all high capacity magazines and he had plenty of those, along with one, then NO, Make that 2 ARs with high capacity ( 40 and 50 round magazines), and he was carrying several thousand rounds of 223 rounds... and one of the AR's had been converted to full auto capabilities... the lies just kept getting bigger and bigger. I watched that for over 2 hours... and every network that spoke English were constantly updating how much stuff this guy had... in reality, you'd need 3 guys with duffle bags to carry all they were reporting...

and when I saw EVERY network that spoke English... there were networks there also reporting in Spanish, French, German, Italian, and I gather Chinese and Japanese also....the length of vehicles reporting was about 300 to 400 yds long...

didn't take me long to figure that is how they do all "on site reporting"... managed by those back in News Central for the ever changing desire effect..

Buffalo and Uvalde I doubt were any different....and I am betting even with what these shooters did have, they have been recruited, financed, trained and supplied... I've been around enough stuff in the military to see how that our government train people in Clandestine service to go do stuff like this in other countries.. with a predetermined outcome... just like orchestrating a skit...

Niether one of this past months shootings were any different... The DNCC need to get Joe's screw ups out of the headlines, so its time for gun control again.. and you can't squawk about gun control, unless you suddenly have some mass shootings conveniently show up in the evening news... that somehow always seem to hit the latest planned talking points the DNCC wants to put out there...

as far as I am concerned, the DNCC, just orchestrated the killing of 12 adults and 19 elementary school kids this past month, so they can focus on new gun legislation and confiscation plans, so that the news isn't tied up talking about Joe's Fu ck ups in the last 6 months, and where his pole numbers are flushing down the toilet faster than a bowling ball falls plunges off a cliff....

thank you local DNCC and the news media they control.....19 kids and 12 adults sacrificed on our streets just to highlight the DemocRats latest political agenda needs....

if you can't see something that obvious folks, then where in the hell have you been... evidently not paying attention and thinking instead of believing what you've been told... just like the DNCC told you what the last election results were last January....

"Minus the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the Country" Marion Barry, Mayor of Wash DC

“Owning guns is not a right. If it were a right, it would be in the Constitution.” ~Alexandria Ocasio Cortez