Originally Posted by JamesJr
Originally Posted by Seafire
not defending the blacks on this one... at the same time, there are still a lot of decent black folks in our society...

and I am sure that all this gun violence by people of their own color is a bigger embarrassment than we can imagine...

they are closer to the trenches than we are on average...

but pointing fingers at our ethnic groups and racist, does more to divide our nation than bring each of us together...

people that kill other human beings, it really doesn't matter what their race is, or what their ethnicity is....

they as an individual owe society for their crimes, not their entire race... regardless if there are more from this group, than another group...

United We Stand, Divided We Fall.... the DNCC are the ones who work to Divide us all....

They are the ones who keep racism alive in this world, more than any other force....

Flame away, but I stand by what I say here.... and any one who knows me can tell ya, I am not an apologist for how our nation has become so screwed up, but we can thank our politicians for that.. not each other...

Seafire, while you are right in that there some decent Black folks around, the problem is that most of those "decent" Black folks are going to take up for the bad ones, and blame their troubles on Ole Whitey. I've seen it happen time and time again. Black on Black crime is just a way of life with many of them, and they accept it up a point, and they don't like seeing Whites sticking their noses into it. That's why the shootings and killings among Blacks in the inner cities is so bad. The so called "decent" Blacks could do something about it if the wanted, but they refuse to.

yeah Jim, there is some of that.. in varying degrees depending on where you live...

but lets put that into a different light, that doesn't involve Black People at all...

take where I live in Southern Oregon... you can drive around this county all week long and not see one black person...

but you certainly can see a zillion of Juan and Jose in an afternoon...

Legal and illegal Marijuana grows are rampant in this county, right along with readily available drugs of all sorts and type..

Drug overdoses are hauled into the Hospital's ER on a daily basis...mainly white folks, and secondarily Hispanic...

People who have been killed by someone else come into the morgue on a routine basis also...and the Law enforcement doesn't even report it to the public via the news most of the time...source for this fact comes from my wife, who works in hospital administration at our one local hospital in the county.. which is roughly the size of the state of Rhode Island.. with about 80,000 people living in it...

break ins and robberies are off the charts locally, thanks for drugs, free welfare, catch and release programs....

we have ALL the same problems as any democRat ran intercity ghetto, except for the black people...

yet the white and hispanic people living here causing these problems are NOT victims, of someone else... they are causing it themselves..

but as long as you're " Homeless" or a Transient... you are considered a victim in life by the DemocRat ran state of Oregon..so you are not held responsible for your crimes... and a slap on the knuckles is the worst that is going to happen to you...

NO one is busy blaming Blacks or Hispanics etc for our social problems.. they just look at it, as that is the way life is..

The problem isn't race, or economic misgivings.. the problem is the DNCC and the way they run things...

its not about economic stability or jobs etc...its about keeping themselves in power and control.

its no different than interurban ghettos and black folks, but here we aren't inter urban nor does Black people fit into the equation whatesoever..

Similarities are what is governed by DemocRats and the DNCC....in both instances.... and hence the real problems....

For anyone to be a victim, you need two other things to contribute to what I call the triangle...

for every victim, you need a tyrant, who makes them the victim...

but in society in this world, you also need a tyrant so that society can provide a SAVIOR in response to the tyrants existence...

each one needs the other to exist...

so what the DNCC does to put themselves in the position of savior and having others depend on them, they make minorities the victims of society, irregardless of what the reason is for... and automatically makes anyone who is white and male especially and conservative as the tyrant... and they endlessly hammer this home until people just are indoctrinated and think this is fact.... liberals eat this stuff up and believe it like a religion...

at the same time it is the "Saviors" in the DNCC, that sell themselves as the protectors of society, while they are the ones busiest at keeping racism alive.... and promote it... they give the black community welfare and take away the reason or need to be responsible for themselves or their actions...
then blame white society, because these blacks are the victims of the prejudice of white society.. the black folks are just trying to survive it all, so they deserve to not be held responsible and accountable....

we are so lucky to have the DNCC present to administer all of this for us, so the rest of us don't have to....

if you are white and don't believe or adhere to all of this dictate, then automatically you are "Racist" ( heaven forbid) and its all your fault...
Sambo was just a victim of robbing that liquor store, and raping that white woman and killing her husband, because of his skin color, not his actions..
thank the white members of the DNCC for bringing this show to a home town near you....

"Minus the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the Country" Marion Barry, Mayor of Wash DC

“Owning guns is not a right. If it were a right, it would be in the Constitution.” ~Alexandria Ocasio Cortez