There is no such thing as "black community." Welfare single moms and teen pregnancy have destroyed what traditional family structure existed there before. Government coddles the girl and forces the boy to pay child support but never expects them to marry and raise their mistakes responsibly. With an average IQ of 85 and all former jobs given to illegals that weren't off shored to China there is roughly zero employment opportunity. Where we live most blacks are unthreatening and polite if you are cordial and respectful to them. You see barely repressed hostility at times for sure but a little eye contact and personal recognition seems to release it. Drive a few miles and there's nothing meaner as one long time local said of growing up with them. CRT and talk of reparations is putting a bigger chip on some very angry, volatile shoulders. That may be the plan. Race would not be a problem, as Morgan Freeman said, if everybody would stop talking about it. Black criminality however must be addressed for what it is regardless of obvious causes.