Well between all the chow in the area, and a couple of funky snatches from bicycle riding all day long out and about in the lovely wilderness.
Where you are most def not top of the pyramid food chain wise in the land of drizzly bears.
And not having a BFP ( Big fuuucking pistol) to at least have a minimal chance of dumping a couple of rounds into Mr. Olafatory aroused Grizzly fuuucking Bear...

You pretty much are asking to be fuuuucking attacked and killed...

People are fuuucking morons and like to feel they have a special bond with wild animals that no one else has, it's just them with this special bond and no one else.
They love to talk about it also...
Then they cant anymore when they are 6 ft under or in a urn.
Cause Boo- Boo and Yogi ate the fuuuck outta them at Jellystone NP...

Homie don't swim in the fuuucking ocean either, you become part of the food chain when you do that stupid schit.

Jaws back in the day and then seeing shark nets with holes in them big enough to drive a VW thru, and hammer heads swimming out side the net at the beach down at Ft Sherman 1 day.
Convinced me swimming in the ocean was a thing of the past for homie.

At least on land you can carry a big fuuuucking gun in apex predator land....
The ocean you options are pretty limited to a 12 ga bangstick or a pitiful azz spear gun.

Plenty of people right now swimming in the ocean on the east coast getting fuuucked up by sharks also....

Some of em probably stupid azz fugging women on rag time leaving a good scent to zero in on.

People are fuuucking stupid.....