Shooting on a square range with a loop-sling and irons is a discipline that tests marksmanship ability in a very controlled and repeatable way. Distances are known, the terrain is flat, there are no intermediate obstacles or vegetation, the firing line is groomed, range flags indicate wind speed and direction. The target is a large black bullseye on a larger white paper that is easy to see, and great contrast.

It makes sense when you consider it was a spinoff from military rifle training where people with little to no firearm experience needed to be trained quickly, efficiently, and to a measurable standard.

It's actually kind of silly to suggest that type of shooting is 'all you need' when hunting in all kinds of variable terrain, vegetation, and unknown distances, poor light, targets that blend into the terrain. and on and on.

There's a reason even the military snipers have evolved in their gear to all the modern kit. It enables delivering more accurate fire at longer distances, under field conditions.