Vaccines ALWAYS work.... they just don't work 1000% on everybody.. nothing has a 100% success rate...

This from someone who has been in the medical world since 1977.....

Sure some people are still going to get covid or one of the so called "spin offs"... viruses will kept mutating themselves..
things constantly change.

but since this gets so much attention from the leftist democRats, as I maintain, they paid China to create it...
then any incidents they can keep their narrative going on 'we are all gonna die', to control the public and their actions...they'll do it.

the news about it is as manipulated as the virus they had produced in China...

quit panicking... if you get it take action...

I maintain these shots they keep wanting the public to get, also have other issues lying dormant within them for now... but combine that with something else, they can become active if their 'shelf life' hasn't expired, and cause massive ill effects to reduce world wide population at a later time.

ya learned this sort of stuff, when the military teaches you to be a chemical, nuclear and biological warfare officer... MOS 54 Echo.

"Minus the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the Country" Marion Barry, Mayor of Wash DC

“Owning guns is not a right. If it were a right, it would be in the Constitution.” ~Alexandria Ocasio Cortez