Originally Posted by steve4102
Originally Posted by Squidge
The sealed affidavit listing probable cause for the warrant will be unsealed at some point, we'll know if there was justification or not for the search once that happens.
No it won’t.

The release of the affidavit is coming, but it will be heavily redacted rendering its content useless.

Don’t schit yourself guys, this is not coming from the Democrats alone, the Republicans are not just sitting in the sidelines doing nothing, they are active participants in this Witch Hunt.

The midterms will change nothing as far as the Establishment Get Trump agenda Red wave or no Red wave.

The entire unredacted affidavit will be released as some point.

Remember why, specifically, the Bill of Rights was written...remember its purpose. It was written to limit the power of government over the individual.

There is no believing a liar, even when he speaks the truth.