Turkey hunting can be exciting for sure.

My first fall hunt in Tennessee was a county by county draw hunt for one turkey either sex..
I put in for Hardeman county and was drawn. Then I literally knew nothing but what I had read about fall hunting....(written by a girl nAme Of Denise I think)

I got there early.....the farm consisted of about 300 acres. About 60/40 hilly hardwoods with crop field bottoms (4 fields) with a dry creek/ravine dividing the crop fields.

I just hunted slow like i was squirrel hunting....only real difference i was using the hilly terrain to try and stay hidden as i moved......occasionaly I would give out a few yelps on an acrylic trumpet call I had made. Just over the rise a turkey answered....yelp yelp. I immediately sat down and answered and got my shotgun ready. Next thing I knew a hen walked over the hill and bOOm she fell and turkey flew everywhere. I had shot my first fall turkey.
I was kinda excited I think....then hear a turkey yelping. I yelped back a few times they answered and the next thought I had was I better get the hell out of here before I shoot another one. . .limit was one.

The reason I told about this hunt was because really it was a pretty dull hunt compared to most fall hunts I had later.