In fairness,Lon Horiuchi wasn't/isn't worth a fhuqk,but HS hired him after proving same(Ruby Ridge AND fhuqking Waco). I drove some HS spouts and more than a few stocks prior,but not post. Hint.

The relationship of accuracy/precision to pressure,ain't lineal. Though more than a few disciplines,firewall same. Hint.

There's no "if" related to case capacity and the 284 Prick ain't fhuqking MAGICAL,nor of an innate ability to defy Physics,no matter what the nice lady said. Hint.

A Factory 700 7mm RemMag will HAPPILY stabilize .796 180 ELD M's,even at low tide,in the dead of Winter. Hint.

Pardon my being afforded the luxuries,of not being forced to guess. Hint.

Fhuqking LAUGHING!................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."