Originally Posted by KFWA
I sat thru a good part of the first episode

at the start it was showing these historians who said "the myth of Americans being good people is by and large false"

they go on to lecture Americans saying they should and could have done more to help Jews from German opression

but the narrator points out
1. America accepted more Jewish immigrants than any other sovereign nation
2. in the early part of the 20th century, New York was 1/4 Jewish
3. American Jews were split on whether accepting German Jewish immigrants en mass was good for the country

and then of course, they don't even mention the thousands of white crosses on the beaches of Normandy and throughout Europe

I was pissed off 10 minutes into it.

The documentary did go on to highlight some things I found interesting, especially when Germans were using Jim Crow laws as the basis for how they enacted laws against Jews, but I still can't get past America as a nation should have done more.


Thank you for saving me from watching propaganda horse$h!t.