Originally Posted by Stophel
I always found the whole thing absurd. Even as far back as high school, though it didn't really concern me much at that time. Six Million⟨™⟩? Really? What were their names? Where were they from? This isn't ancient times, people had names, they had addresses, they had jobs, they had tax records... who were these Six Million⟨™⟩? Gas chambers? Poison showers? Shrunken heads? Lampshades?... How utterly fuggin' ridiculous! Just on its face.. ridiculous. The more I started to look and research, the more ridiculous it all was.

But... It is far easier to fool a man than to convince him he has been fooled. Especially about something so monumental as this. Especially about a war. People are way too emotionally invested in the story. NOBODY wants to admit that they, or their fathers, or their grandfathers fought a war that they shouldn't have, and definitely nobody wants to admit that they fought on the wrong side! That is absolutely unacceptable to most people, and any questioning of any aspect of the narrative is automatically considered "anti-semitic", treason, wacky conspiracy theory, blah, blah, blah. It does not matter what evidence is presented to the contrary (or the lack of evidence supporting their tale), most people will NEVER allow consideration of it.
Yep. Scratch the surface, and it all falls apart, but most are so brainwashed from childhood that they are incapable of making the effort to even scratch the surface of the lie.