Originally Posted by Bristoe
Originally Posted by akrange
Something has to Happen bigger than punching a hole in a Pipe..

The crazies won't leave it alone. You can take that to the bank.

When I look down the line, I can't see it *not* going nuclear.
The American Empire may make a mistake in its desperation but it’s not the intention to start nuclear war. Putin is an extremely smart and able leader who has rebuilt Russia from the burning hulk left after Putin kicked our marauding scavengers out of the former USSR. Russia was quickly becoming too strong to allow. Starting in ‘08 we were attacking in Georgia. Unsuccessful there we again attacked in ‘14. In the Ukraine we successfully installed a demonic Nazis regime and began a continuous agitation. Putin knew that Russia was still too weak and didn’t take the bait. He used half measures to buy time. Then Trump came and the evil part of the evil empire turned inward to suppress its own people. This gave Putin over four years more to prepare for the showdown. During this time the evil empire was weakening itself dramatically to regain complete control of the evil empire. The evil is desperate to regain complete control of its European demons and is weakening them to keep them fully bound to the evil empire. The American Evil Empire is dying. Both internally and internationally it is divided and weak. The evil wants to rule somewhere so I do not believe the nuclear destruction of everything worth ruling is the intention but desperate demons make mistakes.


Conspiracy theorists are the ones who see it all coming…

You are the carbon they want to eliminate !

I’m Uber Deplorable Ultra MAGA !