Originally Posted by JohnBurns
It is a wonder how many here have such a bad track record of predictions but just can't stop making predictions.

At what point will any introspection happen?

You don't even know how the conflict began and have no idea about the agenda behind it. So I'm not surprised that you're also totally ignorant about the end game of those who orchestrated the entire situation.

I bet you also believe that the Russians blew up their own LNG pipeline.

,...and you believe that the German people are totally on board with having their industry destroyed by lack of energy to fuel it,.....and that Germany's LNG needs can be totally met with tankers of LNG being shipped across 4000 miles of ocean.

The reason you think I'm wrong, is because you let the mainstream media funnel schitt into your head.

America is in a news blackout about the genuine situation in Ukraine and how it's going to affect Europe.

You'll find out someday soon and it's going to shock your system.