What a damned mess. This once great nation is so screwed up with corruption and lack of morality, I seriously question if it can recover to being the moral constitutional republic it was originally founded to be. I am so sad to see it decline. At the end of WW II, the U.S. and the Greater British Empire was the hope of western civilization, for the most part. It appears that much of western civilization, the Russians, probably the Chinese, and no telling who else, are going to be sucked into a major world changing conflict with the destructive potential on a scale the planet has never seen, that we know of. All because of corruption, lack of a moral compass, and plain stupidity. I just wanted to live out my final years at peace and in reasonable comfort. Not to be a bother to anyone and not to be bothered by anyone. I am envious of the Australians as they are on the other side of the planet and in a different hemisphere. Maybe they can stay out of all this stupidity as someone has to survive to rebuild civilization. They, the South Americans, and most of Africa may well be all that survive for the most part if this situation is not quickly contained. Biblical prophecy appears to be playing out. I really hope I am wrong. I really don't like doom & gloom, but this is serious.

"...why, land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for,... because it is the only thing that lasts."