Good afternoon to you sir, I hope that the weekend has been kind to you thus far and you're well.

In our part of south central BC we've got no shortage of coyotes, more wolves than we'd like and also contend with black bears, the occasional grizzly, turkey vultures, ravens, bald eagles and magpies that will come and "share" the carcass with you if given the opportunity.

We've kept coyotes off of carcasses or partial carcasses on 3 occasions wrapping a space blanket around it. On one occasion we were able to observe a coyote at the carcass and it didn't like the crinkly space blanket one bit, jumping nearly every time the wind blew it.

Also we'll hang lots of trail tape at the carcass so we can see it from as far away as possible and be prepared in the event something is there that doesn't want to share.

I want to say we've left a shirt or vest once too, but honestly unless it's something you can easily replace, I'd maybe suggest not leaving it there to get covered with bird feces at minimum.

From talking to friends who've had direct experience with them, I'd agree with Brother Fubar in that grizzly bears don't care about whatever you might leave there. I've also had a black bear climb up a tree to reach over and help itself to a mule deer hanging high enough, but apparently not on a meat pole with enough span to work.

We do whatever we can shy of moving heaven and earth not to leave anything overnight here because we're seeing more black bears than we've ever seen in the 38 years we've lived here and even they tend to be tough to dissuade from sharing - especially under cover of darkness.

Hopefully that made sense and was useful to someone out there.

All the best and good luck on any remaining hunts.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"