What one chooses to put in their body is their business but they crossed the line when they started forcing others to validate their stupidity by mandating that others make the stupid and uninformed “choice” of getting injected. The virtue signaling that they did when they got the “vax” was a dishonest attempt to frame their intentions as altruistic rather than the self-serving and selfish reasons that really influenced them. “I love my neighbors and I value their health so highly that I’m willing to risk my life and the lives of my family trying to keep the strangers in my community safe.”…..GMAFB. The only consideration most “vaccinated” people had for strangers was their collective opinions, they got vaxxed so that they’d be accepted by other liberals and the public in general. They risked their lives and the lives of their family and friends so that they’d not be shunned on social media or excluded from Wednesday night wine tasting. The ”consideration” they feigned was never consideration for others but instead it was a consideration for THEIR comfort…..emotional comfort. One of the worst things that could happen to a liberal is their decision, any decision, is not agreed with by their circle of liberals. They can’t stand the idea that they alone hold a belief that is completely opposite of their peer group. The liberal NEEDS acceptance and needs their peers to agree with them and offer their emotional support if not physical support. They LOVE living crammed together in condos and cul-de-sacs because they see their neighbors as a crutch. They’re so incapable of self-reliance that they look for crowds to feel safe ignoring that any threat they’ll face will be because of those crowds. They view the idea of raising your family away from the crowds and in solitude as a danger more scary than living in the ghetto with dangers lurking around every tree and rock while at least in the ghetto one can call for help….trusting in a stranger to save them and their family.

I’ll never forgive those bastards that were happy to throw our lives away and I’ll never forget how dangerously wrong but determined they were.

�Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politician.� �General George S. Patton, Jr.

~Molɔ̀ːn Labé Skýla~