Wow ! That sucks !
That was a gang of very sophisticated bad guys. Breaking into vehicles and stealing stuff is pretty common. Taking your keys and then going to your home to steal the Tacoma is the mark of some very experienced bad guys. I assume you have changed the locks on the house, etc.
You'd think a guy with my background would not get hit like that. But I did. I left an empty rifle case on the seat of my truck. And my wallet under a folded towel. Parked on the side of the road. Apparently, while I was off hunting, someone drove by, saw the truck and looked inside. They saw the rifle case and broke the window to get in. When they found it empty, they fled. Maybe they thought I might see them doing that and get mad. With a rifle, I could have shot out a tire or busted up an engine, etc. Luckly, they didn't find the wallet.
And I live in the "safest" county in Kalifornia. We have nothing like the crime in the big cities, etc.
So, now I hide my gun cases. I don't park in plain sight of a popular road. I leave nothing of value in any of my vehicles. My keys are always in my pocket. I lock doors behind me when I enter or leave my home. My guns are either locked in my safe, or on my person. When I'm at home, at least one of them is never very far from me.
Keep yourself and yours safe Rick. E