I shoot springers and pumpers for their simple self sustainability. Less is more. Except I have way too many of them.

The springers are most convenient. And powerful.

The pumpers are lighter and more compact for the power level. Although not quite as powerful as the larger springer/gas rams.

The $50 pawn shop 22 Nitro Piston looks cheap and junky with it’s baffle tube removed and it’s skinny all-thread looking barrel exposed. The oddly shape kinda ugly plastic stock doesn’t feel natural when carrying it. But it’s a lightweight and fairly compact sledge hammer. The impact is many many times louder than the rifle itself.
For hunting/utility for the money, it can’t be beat.
In spite of how cheap and ugly it looks, I think it along with a custom 1377 carbine would make a nice pair. The 1377 for backpacking or for it’s ability to shoot less than full power.

PCP? Maybe some day.