Originally Posted by slumlord
Originally Posted by smokepole
Originally Posted by slumlord
Old people don’t need to be smoking dope. They gave everyone else shît all their lives about it and now they wanna partake?

Mmmm naw.

LOL, "old people" these days grew up in the 60's and 70's. Plus, I think I read that CBD is the compound that works best, so old people don't need to smoke dope anyway.
Old people constantly whining about their their aches and pains are WHY chronic pain folks cannot have access to opiates.

Ah, no, that was because some pharmacists and doctors were handing them out like pez, even when they knew they weren't being used for pain relief.

Plus, we're talking about blood pressure, not aches and pains.

A wise man is frequently humbled.