Originally Posted by Swamplord
For eternity it was well known in the medical community that marijuana use caused all sorts of illnessess, horrible birth defects, killed brain cells & destroyed peoples lives, It is fact that stoners are fkd up in the head, every single one I've known believes that the most important thing in life is to get high, they sacrifice high paying jobs and family just to get stoned, their only goal in life is to get more dope and get high, all the time ...... it is a drug addiction nothing more, typical junkies in the same category as methheads, heroin and cocaine morons... Junkies that attempt to glorify narcotic use and normalize it ... just like the LGBT perverts with their bowel "movement"

Fast forward post legalization ....All of a sudden it's a miracle drug that solves all of the worlds problems, cures all diseases and makes you handsome even, the brain addled fools pick up the torch and run screaming through the city streets about how great of a cure smoking marijuana is, how it absolutely solves the worlds problems ...

Dead brain cells sure make some fkd up people

You're right, dead brain cells do make people stupid. And once again, CBD is not marijuana and it's effects on blood pressure were proven with human trials.

A wise man is frequently humbled.