Originally Posted by ribka
Originally Posted by Triggernosis
Originally Posted by JohnnyLoco
Just because you don’t have the stomach for it doesn’t make them “Evil”.

War is ugly. The Russians did bad stuff in Afghanistan because bad stuff was done to them.

If you have never heard the rush of air out of an esophagus as it is cut, then war ain’t for you.

Somebody has to do it.
Have you forgotten that I attended West Point and served in the U.S. Army? I'll leave it at that.

Do you lose any sleep over this? Or the hundreds of thousands civilians killed in Iraq and, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Vietnam. As a military vet I sure do . Academy graduates have a better understanding of combat than enlisted or someone who went through OCS?

Your selective concern over one war death is interesting especially in light of the fact it is most likely propaganda and didn't happen.

Reminds of all of the super highly educated Doctors and healthcare professional people who demanded everyone get the untested and unreliable Covid shot and endless boosters and supported vaccine passports and terminations from employment and back BLM terrorist riots.

Americans, as you have seen the past 5 years, are the some of the most gullible and highly propagandized people in the world now along with most of Europe
I don't lose sleep over anything, because I do my best to not think about such atrocities.

And I didn't say, nor did I imply, that Academy graduates have a better understanding of such things. I was just pointing out to Johnny Loco when he commented that "war ain't for you, blah blah" that I have a military background and I'm not innocent in the least on "war" matters.
I just get disappointed in the human race at times.