Originally Posted by AcesNeights
I think that those that have actually BTDT when it comes to broken, mangled and bloody corpses don’t miss it, at least they don’t miss the sights, sounds, smells and emotions of those times…..I don’t. The more death and destruction that you’ve seen the less you want to see it ever again.

I don’t have a cervix personally but I don’t seek out videos of unthinkable crimes. I CHOSE not to view the Daniel Perleman video of his beheading nor have I watched the video in the OP. If you’ve been intimately involved in death you tend to search out life, if you’re immersed in darkness you seek light and once you’ve found the light you prefer not to go back into darkness.

Not watching something of unfathomable pain done to another does NOT make one weak, it makes one sane.
Well said, brother. Thank you.