I just finished up an afternoon of patterning a shotgun.

Anywaay….the top pic looks like the type of cover I normally will cross paths with a Turkey. It would be rare to have a 40 yard opportunity. And the mentioned 20 or so is usually the best you will get.

In the fall 7.5’s are chosen because Grouse are why we are there. If I do go out in the spring it most likely will be 5 or 6’s. But if 7.5’s were all I had, it wouldn’t concern me much

The difference between me and the real Turkey hunters is I don’t think killing one us all that special. But will admit a close gobble will make one pay attention.

Or one could sit up 40 or so from where they fly down in the morning….and hope they choose that spot again….give a quiet yelp to get the head to come up…. Line it up and hit the trigger.

Last edited by battue; 05/27/23.

laissez les bons temps rouler