I have gone to electric socks and shirt. Its nice because you can apply just enough heat when you need it for a comfortable sit.

The other thing is depending on the stand, you can read or listen to audio books. It depends on the stand. some stands its all about the hearing the deer and you can read. just get in the habit of ytaking a good look around at the bottom of every page. Other stands like when your sitting on a windy day on a 400 yd soybean field, its all about seeing the deer and then you can listen to the audio books on a headset in one ear. Of course if the stand requires you to both listen and watch then thats what you have to do.

Being comfortable and not bored stiff will keep you going on a dawn to dusk sit when others are back at the lodge.

The collection of taxes which are not absolutely required, which do not beyond reasonable doubt contribute to public welfare, is only a species of legalized larceny. Under this Republic the rewards of industry belong to those who earn them. Coolidge