Originally Posted by ol_mike
Don't forget to mention all of the free stuff and tax exempt status for years once they get here.
The fedgov bought million dollar shimp ships for vietnamese ''refugees''. Kennedy engine center [biloxi] sold hordes a huge diesel engines to the govt for the boats/ships.
Pretty nice head start on the other shrimpers - you reckon?

The ball washers don't seem to understand that when you contract with a Westerner you are dealing (generally) with an individual. With a jew you are dealing with (generally) a network both societal and financial. With an Asian you are dealing with (generally) a family unit.
With an Indian you are dealing (generally) with a piece of shit whose credentials aren't worth squat, but .gov loooves paperwork!

The underlaying issue here is that .gov doesn't give a flying fuck about it's people and will whore itself out for any amount of coin, as it is easier to attract foreign shit than educate and enable locals

These are my opinions, feel free to disagree.