Originally Posted by ol_mike
Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by ol_mike
Originally Posted by Hastings
We live in a country ruled by a constitution that absolutely will not allow the previous suggestion that a religious/ethnic group be excluded from finance, education, and government or anything else.

The Jew with his high IQ outstripping the average American has succeeded in these fields. It is just a fact that money follows intelligence (with some exceptions).

Another group has pushed run of the mill Americans out of the independently run motel/hotel lodging business all over the U.S. That would be the east Indians who next to the Jews comprise the highest IQ and wealthiest sub-group in the country. They also produce physicians and professionals in finance and industry.

The Koreans and Arab store keepers have taken over the businesses in urban black communities much to the unhappiness of the residents who nonetheless patronize the stores.

In my state the Vietnamese have taken over the fishing industry from the native born. They are smart and know how to tell the difference between net and gross. The native born fishermen hate them.

It is easy to hate those smarter and wealthier than you.

Don't forget to mention all of the free stuff and tax exempt status for years once they get here.
The fedgov bought million dollar shimp ships for vietnamese ''refugees''. Kennedy engine center [biloxi] sold hordes a huge diesel engines to the govt for the boats/ships.
Pretty nice head start on the other shrimpers - you reckon?
Do you know that? I heard that also. But I have seen them buy boats with a sack full of cash. Not generally how a government program works.

You and I may have been lied to about that. I stand to be corrected but I think that's a lie.
I'm talking shortly after the Vietnam War- 1975 until when I don't know-you should know that.
I don't doubt that they bought shrimp ships with bags of cash- pretty easy to do when you work in cash and are given a million dollar ship.

I knew some old school shrimpers in Biloxi- I lived there from Jan. 1980 until Sept. 2002. They sued the federal government for putting them out of business. Their attorneys filed for and got all of the information on the shrimp ships/boats, homes, vehicles,
exemptions -numerous other benefits. When they were reading over the details a shrimper- Clyde Ross said some of them were ready to start shooting. They made threats to federal and state tax collectors telling them to F-off they weren't paying taxes to be given to foreigners.
They armed themselves and mag dumped more than one Vietnamese boat that tried to shrimp near them.
I was fishing offshore Biloxi w/a friend in the late 90's- water-pump went out. While waiting on a friend to come tow us in- we were listening on the Marine Radio to a shoot-out between Vietnamese and locals.
Now you do stand corrected ....
I stand corrected? Not really. The same stuff I've heard for years. Do you know the particulars of the lawsuit discovery process and the resolution of the suit?

I am well aware of the gunplay out on the gulf, I was there. Mostly it was warning shots from either side. I remember we were quite upset when some Vietnamese fishermen killed a white man down at Seadrift TX but it turned out to be self defense. The Seadrift Vietnamese community was burned out of their boats and houses and they came to Louisiana. I didn't like them at first but I learned to at least understand they knew how to fish profitably. One thing I noticed about them is that when they came into the dock with a load on deck they killed their engine and used little head worn coon hunting lights to sort out the catch. The white, black, and Mexican captains ran their diesel engine to power the deck lights.

Also they only ate what they could not sell so it was kind of odd to see folks cutting up stingrays and such but they kept expense down as much as possible. As I noted earlier they did their own net repair. We didn't.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."
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