its not that poodle is a bad dog, its that when crossed IMO it produces a result that is less predictable. I think it creates a dog that is put together by committee, just look at the poodle crosses they aren't very predictable when they are crossed just by looks alone. same applies to temperament. the rage is these labradoddles I have never seen one that was worth a plug nickel. They all suck. My neighbor was into breeding them and she managed to convince a ton of people in the neighborhood to buy them based on their "cute" teddy bear look. ALL those dogs suck. An air headed dog that isn't even a warm companion. The argument was they don't shed. Even that many times is false, Often they do shed. had one bad Lab out of 4 crazy enough that was the one I paid the most for. The best of the hunting labs, my black pointing lab, my dad got for free. I would hunt over him over any dog I have ever hunted with, including dogs on the pheasant farms and ones buddies had, The rest have been dogs I want with me when I die.