After seeing this topic lots of times, I've got to throw in my 2 cents. After being in the woods and having a grouse explode at your toes, making your heart momentarily stop beating. After making a perfect shot on a pheasant, or hearing duck wings coming overhead. After hearing a buck grunt in the dark, or watching him rubbing his antlers or sparring with another buck just out of range and hoping he'll come closer. After spending years chasing a deer that you know by name through trail pics and shed antlers. After feeling the rain and cold when everyone else you know is home in bed and returning with a trophy that is not measured by points or spread, but in hours, seasons maybe and sweat, bug bites, and campfire stories. How can someone who has lived it watch it on television and not think it is a shabby rendition?

"I didn't get the sophisticated gene in this family. I started the sophisticated gene in this family." Willie Robertson