Originally Posted by junglecarbine
How has your philosophy of planning, packing, etc changed and evolved? Are there certain things you do to prepare, etc?

Don't know if this qualifies as "wisdom" but I've gotten so I'm no longer in a hurry to get from point "a" to "b," or check out each and every spot that looked so good on the map, or multiple high lakes instead of the one I'm catching fish and having a good time at.

Slow down, don't be in a rush. That goes double if/when you get an animal down. As long as spoilage is not a problem, take your time and enjoy every trip out with meat on your back, that's what you came for!!!

Take a load out to the truck (and the marine cooler with ice you have waiting) and don't be in a rush to get back in right away. Pull out the folding chair, have a beer, watch the sunset, and crash at the trailhead, with the tent/bag/pad you have stashed there. Wake up in the morning, fry a big skillet of potatoes, onions, and eggs, and head back in. Be where you are, not where you think you should be.

A wise man is frequently humbled.