Lots of good stuff so far.
My "rules" are pretty simple, but most of them are pretty strict.
Never, ever, go more than 50 yds. from your vehicle without the proper clothing, water and food in that order. That's because 50 yds. easily turns into 500 yds. then, 5000 yds and a 1000 feet up which easily turns into more.
Always be aware of where you are and what tracks you are leaving in what kind of ground. Then you can go off trail anytime you want. And never get lost doing it.
Know what the hazards are and what to do about them. It can be simple stuff like snakes and Poison Oak, or complicated stuff like treacherous terrain. Add avalanch danger if applicable.
Don't forget to have fun. Like somebody said, enjoy where you are and don't assume you always know what and where everything you are interested in is.
Always come back out the way you went in. Look around as you do it. That way you'll notice what you missed on the way in.
Serves to remind me that sometimes I'm not as sharp a hunter as I think I am.
One last thing. Know your limitations and don't be too proud to say "I need to turn around now and go back." E