I've always tried for the center of the biggest and deadliest target, the lungs not too far above the heart.
If I have to shoot through a shoulder to get at those, I've noticed that works better/faster.
I idea is to give myself as much room for error as possible. Those darn critters have a bad habit of moving, sometimes even before I can shoot'em. Or they have the bad habit of getting me so excited that I don't hit'em perfectly. Or they have the bad manners to not be as far or even further than I thought. Or to insist that I shoot'em when the wind is blowing, etc. If I miss by a few inches, I still have a killing shot.
I've noticed that almost all the time I get at least one shoulder, especially if that shoulder is on the near side, they rarely go anywhere. On the off side, it at least slows them down.
I'll also admit to using both the liver and even the hip joint if the animal is wounded and I have no other shot. both, BTW, work. E