Hi BP,

Being @ a 90 degree angle from the direction your weapon is pointed is not a recipe for success in LR shooting for most folks. I do understand your point.

That position could only be useful when shooting around a corner.

But shooting from under a vehicle in that manner is more difficult and provides less protection, as the entire length of your body would be exposed should someone try to skip a dozen or so rounds under the car.

Now if Formudiculous was playing army and pretending there was a wall there or he was in a building, the position is still incorrect as his bucket head is still exposed to wider angles of entry by being so close to the window.

The sensible method would be to engage the target in the correct prone position, as far away from the window or opening as possible that still would allow the shooter the necessary field of view.

Lying sideways with the barrel hanging out the window like a dick out of a zipper may look cool... like the smurf stickers on his stock, but I'll have to pass on that one as well... wink
