For what it is worth I used a 22-250 for several years on deer. WHY?Because it was the only rifle I owned. Did it work? YUP. I shot that rifle quite well as it was used to shoot around 500 woodchucks every summer. I knew it well. When an oppurtunity came to hunt a rifle zone that is what I took and did so with the utmost confidence. Call it necessity or youthful exuberance or what ever. At that time the only bullet I thought would work for deer was the old 70 gr round nose. As I recall the load manuel had that load running around 3200 fps. All the deer I shot with it, including 5 fairly sizable Pa bucks, dropped in their tracks and I was convinced I had thor's hammer. Call it youthful exuberance again. Since those days I have hunted with a bunch of "BETTER" deer calibers and I don't find the deer to be any deader with them. I have never experenced the loss of meat with the small caliber lite bullets that some folks elude to. Quite the contrary my current favorite deer slammer is very destructive on meat and it is slinging a 350 grain hunk of 41 caliber lead at about 2000 fps via a 405 win case. It sure kills em dead quick though just bout like that ole 22-250 usta do.
I like the thought of those who suggest that one should use what ever he is comfortable with and is legal in their hunting area. That statement is not however said with the confidence that those making those rules know anything about anything because for the most part they don't. That is about like askin Nancy Pelosi how to skin a deer, or any other question about guns and expecting to get a knowledgable response.
If YOU don't want to use a 22 centerfire to hunt deer then don't. If someone else chooses to do so it is not your concern and should not offend you in the least.
It seems to me the big gun users are the ones that more often get their shorts in a knot over these things.
The question was asked WHY use a 22-250? If it works for those that use it my question would be WHY NOT?
For the record I have not shot a deer with the 22-250 in over 35 years cause I like to use other things. And that notion is constantly changing as I progress in my 50 plus years of deer hunting. I quess if I were to hunt deer now at this stage with a 22 centerfire it would likely be a 223AI or perhaps a 226JDJ
Just me. I would not fault a mans choice of guns or calibers. Life is to short for silly arguments like this.
Now where is that Big Stick?

Last edited by Lonerider; 01/11/12.