Originally Posted by eyeball
Originally Posted by Blackheart
Eyeballs trailing dogs wouldn't get much "training" following up the deer I've shot with my .22 centerfires.
Most I have shot with a 223 and 55 gr sp run close to a hundred. The dog is a GSP and great on quail but since I archery hunt I want a dog which could possibly find me a poorly hit deer. I have been bit by Murphys law on more than one occasion. Last year she trailed up the first muley buck by a ranchers grandson and earned me the right to hunting on a ranch money can't buy.
I would say that this has been the exact same experience I've had with my .300Sav.

Maybe I need a bigger gun.... tired

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Turdlike, by default.