Originally Posted by APDDSN0864
Originally Posted by Mackay_Sagebrush
Originally Posted by Cheyenne
Originally Posted by Mackay_Sagebrush


You mean you didn't get the memo on that from the international banking cartel? Musta come out while you were overseas.

Anyway, I agree with you totally on the correct exercise of discretion that should have been applied in this matter, absent circumstances that are not mentioned in the article.

For the people thinking it was an illegal arrest, think again. I suspect the well-intentioned neighbor's actions probably fall within some crime. It certainly wasn't a bright idea and easily could be viewed as reckless endangerment. Further, the fact that a person does not get convicted does not mean the police were wrong. Police work off a probable cause standard, not a "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard. I frequently preach here that, just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. That applies to the citizen here as well as the police.

A well thought out reply Cheyenne.

Sadly no, I was left out of that particular conspiracy. I was too busy polishing my black helicopter.

All that being said, I truly hope things go well for this man.

Oh wait, can I say that as a jack booted thug?

Only if you're wishing the other jack-booted thugs well. grin Besides, you're in violation for polishing your black helicopter. They're supposed to be flat black, not jet black. laugh



Its the JACK BOOTS that get polished and the helicopters that are supposed to be flat black! Dang it! I get those backwards sometimes!

Thanks Ed!

I would have ended up with my nose (and my jack boots) in the corner again if I screwed that one up one more time!



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