The deputy I talked to this morning when I went to the sheriff's office was the head of animal control. He gave me his full blessing to shoot if they came back. He was careful to word it that if I felt threatened in any way for people, pets or farm animals. He knows the owner of the dogs and keeps a close eye on the place. He was invited to drop in anytime he passes. If he does I will go into pusher mode and sent eggs home with him. Once hooked he will be a farm customer for life. wink

I know there are the jack booted thug types out there like the Canton, OH officer who made the news a while back. I am extremely thankful that there do not seem to be any around here. The man I talked to today could not have been better for my cause. He even laughed when I told him about firing three rounds into the dirt and seeing nothing but dog butts headed out the gate.

I like living here. With luck this is where I will be until I go Home. smile

The first time I shot myself in the head...

Meniere's Sucks Big Time!!!