Dogs, even good ones, can get sucked into chasing birds. My lab and little poodle-creature even take a spin at our free-range chickens now and again, just to see them scatter and cluck.

If they are trained dogs, good around goats etc, you SHOULD be ok now.

Shoot 'em if not.

Another time I almost shot a dog was during a flood. Went out by the goat pasture because they were agitated. In my flashlight, I spot a very large, very wet, very unhappy Doberman (or similar). He was up against a fenceline, obviously lost. Weather was crazy. He finally started trying to leave and went within 30 yards of the goats. Wanted NOTHING to do with them but he was in the crosshairs of a .223 the whole time.

I'm a dog lover, big time. I'd hate to shoot someone's dog. I've had my dogs be a problem for others; when we bought this place ~20 years ago, our city dog didn't translate well to the country; killed a couple of the neighbor's goats. That sucked. So, I do have empathy for both sides, but in the end... shoot 'em if you need to.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two