I saw your thread and have been thinking on something like this myself. I guy at my club has an autistic kid with Chrohns disease. He gets dehydrated and has to be hospitalized once in a while. They just removed some of his bowels and he's home from the hospital. I've had stomach problems since I was a kid and feel for him. I wanted to do a dinner at my club for him. We're booked with 2 functions and a Vietnam memorial benefit this Summer and nobody wants to do it. I'm bummed. The kid is home recovering and one of his particular little quirks is that he is good with numbers, geometry, and the like. He's also a "stat monkey" and can tell you pretty much any athlete's particulars. I thought of getting him a lap top or an I pad and a subscription to that train your brain website you see on tv (neuroplasticity stuff). I can't even follow it on tv, but I bet it'd keep him busy. He doesn't hunt or fish. His outdoor experience is pretty much riding his bike, but he's going to be in bed for a while, I believe.

I could go out and buy it for the kid, but I don't know if his Father would let him take it. My family would be a bit miffed to see a week's pay go away. I have been wondering if any electronics stores would give me a considerable discount because of the situation. It would make things easier to explain. I'd like to do something for the kid. I really would, but not get my family on my back or offend his with a big gift. I've been mulling this over for a while. I'm not great at it and most of the time, when I try to do something for someone, it flies back in my face somehow.

"I didn't get the sophisticated gene in this family. I started the sophisticated gene in this family." Willie Robertson