Politics make for strange thinking, and those that dwell on politics excessively seem to come up with strange ways.

In our society today, it seems that many who clamor for the permission of the state to carry concealed are considered conservative.

A hundred years ago, or so, it was conservative men who legislated handguns off the street as a nuisance and a threat to peaceful society.
Of course, 100 years ago, the liberals hadn't jacked our society around to the point where any and all behavior was accepted as "normal".

most Americans today have the right to be issued a permit from the state to carry a weapon, and given the nature of some of our urban areas, i'd probably do so if i spent much time there.
Still, the idea that a man without a handgun is completely defenseless and helpless simply doesn't jibe with my sense of reality.

If you're heading out for a hiking trip and feel the need for a gun, by all means, take one if you feel like it.

having carried guns and packs in a few places inclines me otherwise, at least in rural or semi-rural America.
but that's just me...

The congo, south central honduras, or lake shore drive might be a different story...

"Chances Will Be Taken"