Thanks centershot, preshade it. wink

Winnie, just sent a cell pic to BEA of a 5pt WT buck I just scored on, I enlisted the services of the old power wagon winch and have him hanging and cooling in the cool air from a pine tree limb.

I tickled the rattling antlers at around 515 pm, here he came, stepped out broadside on a hard facing quarter at 21 yards, busted him in his left shoulder and exited mid rib cage, he went 15 yards and piled up.

That old Black Max II with the 125 gr G-5 Striker Magnum heads is a double mean mo-fo.

I was feeling really bad about politics this morning, ate about 3lbs worth of BLT sammiches, walked up on the mountain and rattled in a little meat buck with my bow, a purty good ending to a crappy beginning. wink


Trump Won!