Originally Posted by R_H_Clark
I think they all have good information as well as things that work better for them.There are certin things that will benefit everyone and certin things that folks have to adapt and change to better fit their style,skill level,or even physical limitations.

My main criticism of Asbell is his squat and turn technique.Everyone I've personally seen try to use it,contorted their body into a completly uncomfortable and unstable position to shoot.It clearly had a negative effect on their accuracy.As I said it may have been more of a translation problem than a problem with form.

Asbell never says you have to squat like him. I think 'squat' is a derogatory term meant to ridicule anyway. He simply advocates getting into an athletic position.

I'm not saying Asbell or Welch or Viper or Eichler or anyone else has all the answers. Nobody does.

What I am saying, is to look at the teachers history as part of your overall assessment of the info brought forth.

It's very clear to me that 'Viper' Camera has never shot anything but 20 yard NFAA rounds INDOORS, in Long Island NY. He shoots lightweight bows, and has stated that he holds at draw for 10 seconds, which is ridiculous for the hunting archer. He;s deliberately confused about POA, gap, and instinctive techniques, and is a rude blowhard with nothing to back up his claims a guru, except said ego.

I prefer to listen to people that are hunting archers, and have been there and done that.