Originally Posted by stangfish
Originally Posted by Bricktop
Originally Posted by stangfish
For all you that are looking for some mature dialog sans some imature attacks from some pencil dick, just go to his profile and click ignore this user. grin
I'm not sure why you feel there's a need to publicly announce you're "ignoring" someone. Apparently you have a great deal of insecurity and require some measure of public validation. A common denominator of a socially-inept pissant.

Where did I say I was ignoring you? I think you are funny. In a pitiful way. It is obvious that you are everybodies whipping post in the real world so you get on a forum ten feet tall and bullet proof. Some little [bleep] support you and you're like the Energizer Bunny crossed with Iron Man. INDESTRUCTABLE! Woah! Look Out, the Stone Mason has got his ring You cant pay to get this kind of entertainment.

I was thinking the same thing. Dude probably sits in his cubicle all day long getting pissed on by his boss and colleagues, then comes home and puts on his internet muscles and hits the campfire to make himself feel better.