Might as well chime in here. A .25-06 is plenty enough as long as you know how to shoot it. I'd stick with a premium bullet i.e. Barnes TSX, Partition, TBBC.

I'm way more concerned with bullet placement.

I also know some Montana boys who hunt elk with .243, .25-06 etc. The argument that someone from out of state that has spent lot's of money, etc should shoot a bigger gun is pretty specious. Most of the locals I hunt with won't take any chances that they'll get another opportunity(excepting trophy hunter types). The vast majority are like me and are looking to fill the freezer with a nice cow or raghorn. I wouldn't turn my nose up at a big bull but usually only see them in districts where it can be very tough to draw.

Anyhow, if a .25-06 is enough gun for these guys I can't see why some one from out of state can't do the same. Just be sure you can hit a dinner plate sized target 9 out of ten times at a given range whether you are on a rest or shooting off hand. If you can't do that then you don't have any business shooting at elk either at that range. Practice, practice, practice.