Originally Posted by stripe55
Dullards like you ain t ever gonna get it. I don t expect you to get it. I don t care if you ever get it.
Ted will bear the brunt of the blame by the government run media because they fear his leadership ability. He took on a Herculean task of trying to knock some sense into the senseless. Dipschmidts like you will remain dipschmidts, but those of us that work with otherwise life long dems are seeing the light come on about the massive destructive power grab that is obamacare.
As the obama brownshirts showed their true colors barricading public places, as had never been done in any of the other numerous shutdowns, many lights went on in the heads of those union type people. Not all mind you, but don t forget that the leadership of the AFL/CIO was howling mad about the destructive nature of obamacare just as the shutdown started.
Ted did about as much as he could have considering he had no podium in the msm to state the facts and the fact that those in charge of his own party are criminal Dem operatives.
Kudos to my Sen Johnson for standing on the principals he campaigned on

Sometimes there is just no hope for some. But kudos to you for trying. But I sure wouldn't lose no sleep over it. Ya gotta take it from the source sometimes!! crazy whistle whistle

Take care, Willie

Cry to the heavens and let slip the dogs of war. For they must feed on the bones of tyranny. In order for men to have freedom and liberty.