Simply put, "the box we're in has been closing for a long time now."
The funny little saying about TSHTF is much much closer than people realize. OBY has the "KEY" as Hitler put it, to getting the grip on the people...Healthcare by government.! The worst part of it, is the IRS grip that is used to implement the whole thing. The databases and unfettered access to our bank accts and personal information (YES THE WHOLE TRUTH.!!) is where we have our nuts on the "Block" and he has the whole cleaver selection.
The saddest part is the huge bungling of allowing "Political correctness" to creep into our entire nation and undermine the whole status of what we stand for, and have fought so hard for, all our lives. We have opened the doors to illegals and said "that's OKAY", Gave the keys to our lives to a worthless kid in the whitehouse who doesn't know if he's snakebit-shot-or fu--ed! and now we have trusted our constitution to those who would trade their mothers for a vote to get back in the congress...
Obamacare is the cherrry on the ice cream, and now he has the funding to get it rolling.. Cruz may have been stupid for starting it, and Mike Lee "chimed-in", but when it all boils down to stew... if the whole GOP had stood together like the democrats did (100% !!), the story would be much different for Obama and the slimy-slug crew. The incessant POUNDING of anyone with the nuts to stand up and at least say something and calling them names, is WHY WE ARE - WHERE WE ARE. I know it may seem slight to bring this up but the old saying about "All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.!!!" holds ultimate truth. Cruz AT LEAST SAID SOMETHING, and the rest of the GOP turned into JELLY-BELLIED-RINOS.!Now the Democrats are looking to really hammer the Tea Party to finally shut them up too...
The lesson is over, so lets learn from it and stand TOGETHER against that ENEMY THAT IS DOMESTIC... Democrats, Progressives and the rest of the socialists are eating our beautiful country's heart out of it's breast, and ONLY BY STANDING TOGETHER can we stop it... protect those who would no longer be timid and give them the help to fight if you can't be part of the fight yourself.! I don't want to die knowing my wonderful nation was sold for a Half-black, pot-smoking, Muslim's blind ambitions to be a Marxist Dictator..! Or worse, for a drunk-Pelosi and senile-Reid's legacy as "snakes ruling EDEN..!" I spent my life in this country's service and almost gave it the ultimate..twice!

Last edited by frogmanjim67; 10/17/13.

History is my teacher: VietNam was my lesson.!