In 1995 the GOP shut down the government, unlike the petulant child who is in there now, Clinton sat down with Gingrich and worked with him, so what did we get?

We got Welfare reform, and despite dire predictions of poor people starving in the streets, things worked out. We also got a couple of balanced budgets which are now Clinton's legacy.

So what happened this time? Well, Obama refused to talk or negotiate, what did that give us? Nothing was addressed, we are no closer to a budget, no closer to addressing a 17, now 18 million dollar debt. Now Obama will attempt to legalize 20 million more ACA patients, most of whom will get it for free or at a reduced price, further stressing his program.

In 2014 businesses will have to join the ACA, can you say lay-off city, part-time bonanza? He will give the unions a waiver, more anger that some are given a pass, others a $6000 deductible.

This is a bump in the road, Obama still has huge problems and plenty of time for things to melt down, and people to realize Cruz was a visionary. In some ways it would be better if we lost the house, then who could the democrats blame when it falls apart, and we know it has to fall apart, it can't work

We know an inflation storm is on the way, we know the ACA is going to give a majority of people sticker shock, they too will come to understand Cruz's opposition. I think this is nothing to worry about, I think Obama is still headed for a world of hurt.