The whole point that was proven, was to show the country just how ruthless and what extents they will go to have their way with this country. Like Obama said, he wanted to "Make it hurt" and he did. What he has done in this little display was nothing to what he could do if he gets complete control like he wants.! If the libs are just STUPID enough and the Conservatives are just lazy enough... it will get handed to him, and then the constitution will be nothing but toilet paper for his outhouse.! Simple concept, unless you've seen dictators do it, and the futile fight to try and stop someone with that much POWER.! Cruz just got a small taste of what that kind of POWER can do in corrupt hands.! Harry and the boys just handed him his head and the RINOS stood and said YES it was GOOD.! Face it guys, the stand is a tad LATE in coming.!

Last edited by frogmanjim67; 10/18/13.

History is my teacher: VietNam was my lesson.!