I had an elderly friend who was a Mason. (He is gone now - best 500 partner you could ever find.) Three stories involving him. He was a Lutheran - got a new pastor in who told him that he could not be both a Mason and a Lutheran. The Shrine-sponsored North-South All-Star football game was held in Cedar Rapids one year. My son and I took our friend along to the game. During an on-field ceremony, some Potentates were wearing fancy fezzes. A bit later, a couple of Shriners with ordinary fezzes strolled by and our friend explained that "Them's just plain Tates." His wife taught for the DOD in Germany, so they lived over there for a few years. One day another Mason, who was traveling in Germany from the U.S., noticed our friend's ring or something, and said (apparently a greeting between Masons), "Have you traveled far?" Missing his cue, our friend replied, "Naw, we live over here."

Not a real member - just an ordinary guy who appreciates being able to hang around and say something once in awhile.

Happily Trapped In the Past (Thanks, Joe)

Not only a less than minimally educated person, but stupid and out of touch as well.